Physical Therapy and Dry Needling for 3 Common Running Injuries

Calling all runners in Indianapolis! If you're passionate about hitting the pavement or trails, you know that running comes with its share of highs and lows. Unfortunately, one of the lows can be the occurrence of running-related injuries. At Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness, we're here to help you overcome these setbacks and reach new heights in your running journey. In this blog post, we'll dive into the most common running injuries and explore how Physical Therapy and Dry Needling can be your allies in managing injuries and performing at your best.

Common Running Injuries:

  1. Runner's Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome):

    • Runner's knee is a frequent complaint among runners in our clinic and can result from issues like overuse, muscular imbalances, or improper footwear. It can also be from getting back into running and doing too much too soon. It is best to have a Physical Therapist fully assess you in order to individualize recommendations. Research does support the use of Physical Therapy to address muscle imbalances and provide relief from runner's knee symptoms through things like strengthening, stretching, dry needling, manual therapies and gait training.

  2. Achilles Tendonitis:

    • Achilles tendonitis is another common injury that can hamper your running routine. This issue can be incredibly painful and can also happen if you do too much training volume without proper ramp up, overuse without proper recovery, and can occur from imbalances in the lower chain. Studies suggest that Physical Therapy interventions, including eccentric exercises and gait analysis, can effectively treat Achilles tendonitis and reduce the risk of recurrence. We also use tools such as dry needling the calf and surrounding ankle/leg muscles, cupping, mobility work and running specific drills to restore function to the leg.

  3. Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome):

    • Shin splints can be excruciating and often occur due to increased training intensity or biomechanical issues. If you’ve ever had shin splints, you know how disheartening these can be as a runner. We can offer you hands on treatment as well as a personalized routine to lessen the burden of shin splints while training and ideally prevent them from coming on at all.

Benefits of Physical Therapy and Dry Needling:

  1. Pain Relief and Recovery:

    • Research shows that Physical Therapy is highly effective in relieving pain associated with running injuries. Our treatments are designed to target the specific issues causing your discomfort, allowing you to return to running sooner.

  2. Biomechanical Analysis:

    • Physical Therapists can perform gait analysis to identify any irregularities in your running form and recommend adjustments to prevent future injuries.

  3. Strength and Conditioning:

    • Evidence-based exercise programs can address muscle imbalances and enhance overall strength, stability, and flexibility, helping you become a more resilient runner.

  4. Dry Needling for Muscle Tightness:

    • Dry Needling is a valuable tool for releasing trigger points and muscle tightness. Research supports its use in reducing pain and improving muscle function, making it a valuable addition to your recovery plan.

Your passion for running deserves support, and that's precisely what we offer at Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness in Indianapolis. Our evidence-based Physical Therapy and Dry Needling treatments are tailored to runners like you, aiming to keep you injury-free and performing at your peak.

Don't let running injuries hold you back. If you're ready to stride stronger and achieve your running goals, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Experience the difference that expert care and research-backed treatments can make in your running journey. Training for the Indy 500 Fest Mini-Marathon?? Marathon training? Make sure to reach out BEFORE your injury becomes debilitating so we can help you get back to training without missing a beat!

[Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized treatment and recommendations.]

If you are struggling with illness or injury and would like to get your body moving, schedule a physical therapy appointment with us today! At Wildflower Physical Therapy & Wellness, we can help you to get back to the life you want to live through pain management strategies, activity promotion and exercise. Our Cash Based Physical Therapy model allows us to deliver a highly individualized treatment plan without the fuss of insurance companies.  Interested in trying dry needling to support your exercise routine and maximize recovery? Reach out to us today!

Interested in Physical Therapy? Reach out to us below!


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